Pronounced BAH-CHEW-CHEE, it was a nickname my sister called her first-ever niece, Miss C-Jaz. According to urbandictionary.dom, this term is used to express "an absolutely wonderful bum". And that she is, myBachoochie, my little bum cheeks.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Clean-Conscience at One and a Half Years?!

Dinner was simple last night: peaches and cream whole kernels of corn, noodle soup, and a four-meat Delicioso pizza. We sat at the table as usual, dad at the north side, C-Jaz at the south, and me on the east. Thankfully, she sat in her high chair, confined by her eating tray, upon which I set down her carebear heart-shaped plate that had a few rectangular baby-sized pizza slices and a small mountain of sweet yellow corn mixed with noodles. She happily picked at her food using her thick little fingers. Each time her hand, specifically her left, became damp from the corn or the noodle, she'd stare at her hand and fingers, look up at me then say dirty (or in her words, "deety") while holding out her hand for me to wipe before she continued to eat or drink. Three months later, she now says, "Hands Hands Hands", holding up her hands to get wiped down. Love it!